The EReg Topic Group XIV has dealt with the normal residence of driving licence applicants and holders. The goals regarding the normal residence of driving licence applicants and holders were to analyze the current problems and challenges, to suggest common procedures for all Member States how to establish normal residence, and to recommend new regulations and changes to the current regulations.
The Topic Group was chaired by Mrs. Birgit Sääv (Swedish Transport Agency). Mrs. Marita Löytty (Finnish Transport Safety Agency) was the secretary and co-chairman of the Topic Group.
The second meeting of the EReg Topic Group XIV. was held in Swansea (Wales, UK) on May 15th and 16th 2012. Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) hosted the meeting.
DETAILSThe Swedish Transportstyrelsen (Swedish Transport Agency) hosted the first meeting of the EReg Topic Group XIV. in Stockholm on 5th and 6th March 2012.