In May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation came into effect and EU Member States had to implement the GDPR before this date. EReg worked on the interpretation of the GDPR and the data protection issues that occur in international data in Topic Group XX. The Topic Group developed optional guidelines on data protection. At the EReg General Meeting & Annual Conference in May 2019 the optional guidelines were approved and a Taskforce was set up to assist EReg Members in living up to these guidelines and to provide expert advice on data protection measures in international data exchange.
The main objective is to enhance trust in international data exchange within the EReg and EUCARIS community as well as with the subjects of these data exchanges (citizens) by creating more transparency on how we manage and protect personal data. The purpose of these EReg guidelines is to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data in international data exchange. It provides guidance in applying GDPRin international exchange of personal data in the transport sector. It helps to overcome or address differences in interpretations and implementations of the GDPR by specifying the measures that RAs and/or other NCPs have already taken or are committed to take in international data exchange.
EReg Members are asked to live up to these optional guidelines and the Taskforce Data Protection provides assistance in this.
This page of the Taskforce includes information, publications and best-practices on how to deal with data protection in international data exchange. On the private part you will be able to find the following information:
The Taskforce has scheduled a digital gathering on 17 April from 1 to 3 in the afternoon, to further work on the guidelines in case of data breaches.
DETAILSThe 9th meeting of the EReg Taskforce Data Protection will take place on 20 April
DETAILSThe next meeting of EReg Taskforce on Data Protection in International Data Exchange takes place on 30 November
DETAILSOn 7 April the Taskforce Data Protection will meet again. On the (draft) agenda are: The draft report of the Taskforce, based on the outcomes of the second questionnaire. Tour de table on the webinar on the pre-privacy audit on EUCARIS and NCP Way forward with the data breaches procedures The page on the website for the Taskforce