Origin Of EReg

Annual meetings of registration authorities

In 1998, the first meeting of the European Vehicle and Driver Registration Authorities took place in Stockholm, Sweden. The following years, this initiative was continued on a less formal basis with an annual meeting attended by European Vehicle and Driver Registration Authorities.


In November 2002, the annual meeting was organized in common by the Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW) and the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (UK). At this Conference, that took place in London, representatives from 15 countries and a representation of the European Commission (DG-TREN) were discussing about several European developments regarding vehicle and driver registration issues. As from that moment, the Annual Conference was continued on a more formal basis, with successive meetings in Helsinki, Berlin, Cyprus and Amsterdam, with every year a growing number of participating countries.


Establishment of the association

The Conference in Cyprus in May 2006 has been attended by representatives from more than 20 countries. At this meeting, it was decided to formally establish an association of European Registration Authorities (EReg), in order to bring together the European vehicle and driver registration authorities. The European Commission (EC) welcomed the establishment of EReg and promised to use it as a recommendation forum in case of new developments.


International non-profit making association 

Since April 2012, EReg is an international non-profit making association (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif, AISBL) under Belgium Law. The structure of EReg is laid down in the Articles of Incorporation.